Here's why you should join the Ohio Cichlid Association:
- Our monthly newsletter “The Buckeye Bulletin” is published each month by Andrew Schock. You can access it in the members’ only area of our web site as well as in the members’ area of the OCA forum on Cichlid Room Companion.
- Every month, except July, we have a meeting. We bring in world class speakers to the meetings each month (our president Lew Carbone is always on the lookout for new talks).
- Our Breeder Award Program is for members only. Bring 6 or more fry and get points that add up to a plaque and a certificate presented by our BAP chair Mark Chaloupka.
- We also have a buck-a-bag auction where members bring fish, plants and dry goods to be auctioned. You can buy the most primo cichlids at the monthly meeting auctions for a fraction of what you can buy them in a store.
- Carl Olszewski heads the raffle table where donations from manufacturers are raffled off. We also have a “Bowl Show” (more of a tank show, really) – if you have some nice looking fish you have a good chance at winning the $$ prize for Best of Show - and all entries get points. Those who have the most points at the end of the year, win a large tank set up. Carl Olszewski handles the bowl show.
- I almost forgot to mention the library! Our librarian, Hilary Lacerda, brings in a wagonload of cichlid books including the complete collection of Cichlid News as well as about 50 lbs. of catfish books. There is stuff in here you won’t find on the Internet. As a member, you can check out 2 books at a time.
- Most new members, who attend our meetings, find that they are a blast! You’ll find friendly folks here... and everyone loves to talk fish!
- Are you concerned about cichlid conservation? The OCA’s Jim Smith Fund promotes the knowledge and conservation of cichlids. We have worked on saving Malawi’s cichlids from overfishing in their national park habitat, supported research in cichlid behavior and explored new species in the Congo. You can help make an immediate impact to help save cichlids by joining the OCA and supporting the Jim Smith Fund.
- A lifetime membership can be attained by meeting the following criteria: 1000 BAP points, 10 articles published in the bulletin, and a program delivered to the membership at a social meeting.
These are just some of the advantages of membership... there are tons more!
Here’s the deal: $15 gets you membership for one year, with all the benefits mentioned above! Here’s a better deal: If you are in school and are under 22, you pay only ten bucks per year! You get all the same advantages of membership, but at a reduced price! Seriously... that’s only 83 cents per month!
See Hilary Lacerda at a meeting to sign up. (Hilary will be near the library wagon). Or sign up through Paypal at our website www.ohiocichlid.com
Or send a check to: Ohio Cichlid Association, 22412 Rye Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122
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